
Waiting list

Once the request is made, they will be informed of how to make the reservation once we have availability.

Applicant data

Man Women


*Long duration start date 01/09/24 and end date 30/06/25

Father, mother or tutors informations

Studies that will study

   Degree      Master/Postgrauate      Erasmus      FP

ONE.- PURPOSE. – This contract governs the agreement for the single purpose of a stay and/or accommodation with minimal services included, which both the Resident and his/her parents, as applicable, expressly accept through having been fully informed of its scope prior to its signature. 

The right to accommodation referred to comprises:

  1. The right to use a room of the type chosen by the Resident and defined in the particular conditions.
  2. A room equipped with the furniture and utensils necessary for immediate occupation. The list of furniture and other utensils found in the room and its state of preservation will be recorded in the inventory that will be prepared at the time of the Resident’s arrival, with details of all the elements of the room (furniture, electric appliances, etc.), indicating their replacement value for the purposes of later settlement, where applicable. 
  3. The expenses of cleaning of common parts. 
  4. Household linen consisting of bedspread, pillow and blanket. 
  5. Ordinary consumption of electricity, heating, water, domestic hot water. 
  6. Insurance policy, with the covers contracted at any time. 
  7. Ordinary maintenance of the room, installations and furniture, provided that this is due to normal wear and tear and careful use by the Resident

TWO.- DURATION. – This contract is for the duration that is specifically mentioned in the particular conditions of the contract.

Full compliance with the whole period of life of the contract is an essential condition of it, since the price has been set on the basis of that circumstance. Therefore, in the event that the Resident does not complete the period of stay indicated above, both parties agree now and for then that the Resident shall pay the difference between the Resident price for long stays and the tariff and/or price per room for temporary/daily stays (short duration) in force at any time, without prejudice to loss of the guarantee and registration deposit delivered by the Resident.

The period of duration of the guarantee can only be extended by express agreement of all the parties, formalised for the purpose in a new contract and/or an extension of it. 

THREE.– PRICE AND FORM OF PAYMENT.- The price and form of payment for the single service of a stay and/or accommodation will be that specified in the particular conditions of the contract, the relevant direct debit authorisation being delivered for the monthly payments, duly signed by the contracting parties and stamped by the bank where the payments are to be made. 

Any change in the direct debit authorisation must be communicated to the Residence with notice of two (2) months, counting from the date on which the new direct debit authorisation for the payments, duly completed, has been delivered to the Residence.

Lack of payment for more than one due date will be considered as a serious fault. 

Given that the agreed price is for a stay of long duration, if the Resident leaves the Residence for any reason which means that the stay in the Residence is shorter than that established in the particular conditions, the Resident must pay the difference between the price for a  Resident for long stays and the tariff and/or price applicable at any time per room for a temporary/daily stay (short duration),  without prejudice to loss of the guarantee and registration deposit delivered by the Resident.

FOUR.- GUARANTEE and REGISTRATION DEPOSIT.- The Resident will deliver the sum mentioned in the particular conditions as a guarantee deposit. 

This deposit is to formalise reservation of the place, to deal with expenses for possible damage to the furniture and utensils in the room occupied by the Resident and/or the general facilities of the Residence and, in general, to answer for any non-compliance with the other obligations accepted by the Resident.

The deposit will be returned within a maximum of two (2) months counting from the date of departure from the Residence, after checking on the state of the room occupied by the Resident, discounting, as applicable, expenses for repairs, replacements of furniture and utensils in the room and other expenses and/or items outstanding for settlement. 

The deposit will not be returned in the event that the Resident leaves voluntarily before completing the duration of the contract, or in the case of being expelled from the Residence.

In every case the Residence is authorised to retain from the guarantee deposit the sums due by the Resident for any reason, without prejudice to the personal and unlimited liability of the Resident and his/her parents, guardian, etc.

The Resident will deliver the sum defined in the particular conditions for registration, to cover management expenses, which sum will be invoiced on arriving at the Residence.

FIVE.- INTERNAL FUNCTIONING RULES OF THE RESIDENCE.- The content of the internal functioning rules of the Residence forms part of the binding content of this contract, the Resident and his/her parents, guardian, etc., declare having read them in full, understood them and discussed them in detail with the Residence Management, accepting them in full. 

The Resident undertakes to comply with the internal rules without any restriction or reservation; in the event that the Resident fails to comply with them this fault can be communicated to his/her parents and/or guardian. 

The Residence reserves the right to change the internal functioning rules of the Residence at any time, all alterations will be communicated to the Resident by being displayed on the Residence notice board and will come into force immediately, a circumstance that is communicated, known to and accepted by parents, guardians, etc., and the Resident, from today. 

Regarding the regime for the Resident’s arrival, departure and visits, this is included in the aforesaid internal functioning rules of the Residence, although the Residence always and in every case reserves the right of admission. 

SIX.- ARRIVAL AT THE RESIDENCE AND DEPARTURE.- The Resident’s arrival at the Residence will take place not before the starting date of the contractual relation indicated in the particular conditions, in opening hours for the Residence services of reception and administration (9:00 am to 12:00 midday). On arrival the Resident will be informed of the room allocated and given the key for access to the Residence, the room being visited jointly with the Resident in order to formalise the appropriate note on the state of preservation of the room and the furniture and utensils provided, this note being prepared in duplicate and signed by both parties. 

In the event that the Resident wishes to delay arrival at the Residence, this must be communicated by email to the address and details given in the particular conditions, with notice of 48 hours before the date initially scheduled, indicating on what date it is expected to arrive at the Residence. In no case can this be more than 30 days from the date set as the starting date in the particular conditions, and in no case can this circumstance be a reason for reducing the price for the first month of the stay. 

Should thirty (30) days pass without the Resident having arrived at the Residence, it will be understood that the Resident has unilaterally cancelled the contract and, in consequence, the Residence will retain the guarantee and registration deposit and the first month’s payment as a penalty, being able freely to dispose of the place and allocate it to some other person or user, without prejudice to any claim for loss and damages that may be filed. 

Departure from the Residence takes place finally on the last day indicated in the particular conditions, during the opening hours of the reception and administration services of the Residence (9:00 am to 12:00 midday), when the room occupied until that time by the Resident will be visited in order to formalise a note of the state of preservation of the room, the furniture and utensils contained and compare the situation with the note formalised on the day of arrival at the Residence, proceeding to a settlement according to the state in which it is found and according to the valuation recorded in the Note of arrival. 

In every case the Residence will make a charge for the cleaning of household linen (bedspread, pillow and blanket) and two (2) hours for cleaning the room. 

The Resident will pay the Residence for the expenses of all kinds (repairs, replacements, etc.) needed to leave the room in a perfect state of use, save for ordinary wear and tear that may affect the various elements comprised therein. 

In the event that the Resident wishes to leave the Residence during the period of the thirty (30) days preceding the final date fixed in the particular conditions, this must be communicated to the Residence, in order to coordinate the matters of management and settlement with the Resident in the terms set out above; in no case can this circumstance be a reason for paying totally and/or partially the price for the last month of the stay. 

If at the end of the final period fixed in the particular conditions the Resident has not left the Residence and has not been present to prepare the note on the state of preservation of the room, furniture and utensils contained therein, the Residence can access the room to prepare the appropriate note describing the room and the various elements contained in it, either in the presence of a witness or in the presence of a notary, prepare the relevant settlement, collect the Resident’s personal possessions and store them in order to recover the use of the room. 

In this case the Resident must pay all the expenses incurred as a result of this inadequate behaviour, in addition to the price for extra days after the final period fixed in the particular conditions, calculated on the basis of the tariff for temporary/daily stays, without prejudice to loss of the guarantee and registration deposit delivered by the Resident; the Resident must also collect any personal belongings within a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days from the aforesaid final date, settling at the same time all the sums owed to the Residence. Should that period pass without the Resident having collected all his/her personal belongings it will be considered that these items are abandoned and the Residence can freely dispose of them. 

SEVEN.- LIABILITIES.- The Resident is directly and exclusively responsible, exempting the Residence from any liability, for any damages that may be caused to persons and/or objects and are the result of the Resident’s actions and/or omissions. The Resident undertakes to communicate immediately to the Residence the existence of any circumstance that could involve any danger to the building, the occupants, the facilities, etc.

In the case of taking a double room, shared by two Residents, liabilities of all kinds in relation to the room (furniture, tools, utensils, facilities, electrical appliances, etc.) will be understood always and in every case to be joint and several and unlimited between both occupants. 

In the same way and as an essential feature the Resident’s parents answer personally and without limit for all the obligations and liabilities that may arise from the stay of their son/daughter in the Residence.

The Residence keeps in force an insurance policy to cover the Resident’s personal possessions left in the room for a total amount of TWO THOUSAND EURO (€2,000.-), covering the risks of fire, explosion, flood, damage by water, electrical damage, broken windows, climatic risks, robbery, plunder and vandalism. If the Resident has goods of a value greater than that indicated then the Resident must arrange a supplementary policy with an insurance company of known solvency or limit the value of the goods kept in the room to that insured sum. 

EIGHT.- OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF THE RESIDENT.- The Resident, in addition to undertaking to abide by and comply with all obligations arising from these general conditions, the particular conditions, the internal functioning rules and other standards and/or precepts that may be of application, undertakes essentially as an example but not limiting: 

a) Not to assign in any way, either totally or partially, the right to accommodation the purpose of this contract, which is essentially a personal and non-transferable condition. 
b) To comply with the Residence’s own guidelines on community living and those of the country where it is situated, as well as other measures that may be adopted with a view to minimising any existing health risk. 
c) Not to keep in the Residence or in the room anything that is explosive, inflammable, annoying and/or unhealthy.
d) Not to disturb the rest of the users of the Residence.
e) Not to act in any way that might be detrimental to the personal and/or moral dignity of any resident, employee and/or person in relation with RUVIC.
f) Not to carry out any action which is antisocial and/or which could constitute a civil, penal, administrative or punishable offence under the rules of the educational institutions in which some of the residents are doing studies, and/or of any other kind included in the public ordinance and/or the rules established by RUVIC.

NINE.- NOTIFICATIONS.- For the purposes of receiving any notification in relation to the rights and/or obligations arising from this contract the Resident and his/her parents indicate without distinction as the address for all purposes that of the room occupied by the resident and/or that set out in the particular conditions; and the Residence indicates the management office in the Residence itself. 

Expressly and in compliance with Art. 6.1 of Regulation EU 2016/679, of 27 April, on Data Protection, and Art. 6 of the Act 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights, the Resident and, where appropriate, his/her legal representatives or guardians, within the ambit of execution of the contract here formalised and by means of the mobile telephones supplied and/or that may be supplied, expressly authorise the Residence to communicate with them by WhatsApp and/or any other instant messaging application, either individually or through a list of contacts. 

In the event of not being used, the Residence being blocked, deregistered, etc., by the instant messaging application, the Resident and, as appropriate, the legal representatives or guardians, undertake to communicate this circumstance to the Residence expressly and immediately, setting up an instant communication channel with the Resident through the application and/or system that the Residence may install at any time. 

TEN.- TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT.- Causes of termination of the contract, without this list being considered as definitive, include the following:  

a) Failure to pay the price and/or any other sum that the Resident is obliged to pay, for a period of time greater than 30 days.
b) Non-compliance with the internal functioning rules of the Residence.
c) The Resident’s failure to comply with any of the essential conditions and/or obligations of this contract.
d) The Resident being expelled for any reason. 
e) Non-compliance with the obligations arising from this contract and/or its particular conditions and the internal functioning rules, and any other rule and/or precept that may be of application.

ELEVEN.- HEADINGS.- The headings given to the Sections and Clauses of this contract are simply for the purpose of making it easier to manage and in no case can they be considered as elements of interpretation.

TWELVE.- DATA PROTECTION.- In mattes of data protection SAGITARI SA applies Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation).
PURPOSE OF PROCESSING: In SAGITARI. – We shall process your data in order to sort out any queries or consultations that you may raise with us through the web (Contact section) and/or to deal with your request for a reservation (Reservation section). All the data asked for through this website, where marked as such, are essential, as they are necessary for the provision of optimum services for the user. In the case that the data are not supplied, users cannot be attended to properly. 

DATA STORAGE.- The personal data supplied will be stored until their erasure is asked for by the user. 

LEGITIMISATION FOR THE PROCESSING OF YOUR DATA.- In the case that the user makes enquiries through the form included in the web, the legal basis for processing the user’s data is found in the consent freely given by the user himself. In the event that the user makes a reservation through the form included in the web, the legal basis for the data processing is in the application of pre-contractual measures at the user’s request. 

RECIPIENTS.- SAGITARI will not make any transfers or assignments of data, unless by legal obligation.

DATA SUBJECT RIGHTS.- For more information on the rights of data subjects, please visit the websiteíticadeprivacidad. 
You can exercise your rights by a written communication addressed to the Processing Controller at the following addresses: E-mail: or C/ de la Soledat 6, bajos A , 08500 Vic.
For the effective exercise of your rights, you should attach to your request a photocopy of your identity document (Tax Id no, Nat Id Doc, etc.). 

Finally, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the State Data Protection Agency, if you consider that any of your rights have been violated. Through the following link you will find the contact details for that Agency,

THIRTEEN.- JURISDICTION AND COMPETENCE.- Both parties undertake to comply, loyally and in good faith, not only with the strict content of the above clauses, but also with everything that arises from them in a natural manner, through a reasonable  interpretation in accordance with common sense. 
For any question or dispute that may arise from compliance with or the interpretation of this contract the grantor parties submit themselves to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals legally established.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF and in acceptance of the content of this contract, it is signed in the place and on the date given in the acceptance. 

I accept the conditions  

Legal notice

1. Details of the company

RUVIC.CAT (the website) is owned by SAGITARI S.A.

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, concerning Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. (LSSI), the identification details of the party responsible for the present website are listed below:

Carrer de la Soledat, 6, baixos A.
08500 Vic
C.I.F. A-58426578


Company registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona in volume 8803, sheet no. B-26,951, entry 6.

Hereinafter, RUVIC.

2. Purpose

This purpose of this legal notice is to establish the General Terms and Conditions that regulate the access to and general use of the present Website by all users, in such a way that the aforementioned website access and use implies compliance with and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions listed in this Legal Notice.

The terms and conditions may be amended from time to time. As such, RUVIC recommends that users read them carefully each time they wish to enter and make use of the aforementioned Website. In this respect, RUVIC reserves the right to carry out, at any time and with no need to give prior notice, modifications or updates of the Website contents and services, of the present terms and conditions of access and use, and, in general, of the elements that form part of the design and configuration of the present Website.

3. Use

Any User who fills in and sends the pre-booking form will be responsible for providing true and accurate information. If, as a consequence of registration, the User is provided with a password, he/she undertakes to make diligent use of it and to keep secret the password to access these services. As such, the User will be responsible for the proper custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords that may be provided by RUVIC and undertakes not to transfer their use to third parties, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, or to enable third parties to access them. The User will be held responsible for any unauthorised use of the services made by a third party as a result of the improper use or loss of the User's password.

By virtue of the foregoing, the User is obliged to immediately notify RUVIC, at the contact address provided, of any incident that may enable the improper use of the identifiers and/or passwords, such as their theft, loss or unauthorised access, in order for them to be cancelled immediately. Until it is notified of any such incidents, RUVIC will be exempt from any liability arising from the improper use of the identifiers or passwords by unauthorised third parties.

Any person who uses this Website acquires the status of User and, as such, accepts that he/she is fully and exclusively responsible for the aforementioned use. As such, the User undertakes to fulfil diligently any additional instructions provided by RUVIC or by personnel authorised by RUVIC concerning the use of the present Website and its contents.

Users undertake not to use the information, activities, products or services made available to them by RUVIC for purposes in contravention of the Law, generally accepted moral standards or public order and, in general, to make use of them in compliance with the present General Terms and Conditions. Therefore, the User is obliged to use the contents in a diligent, proper and legitimate manner and, in particular, undertakes not to: i) use the contents in a way that contravenes the law, moral integrity or generally accepted good practice and public order; ii) reproduce, copy, distribute, transform, modify, make available or publicly disseminate in any other way the contents without the express written authorisation of the holder of the corresponding rights or unless it is legally permitted, and iii) use the contents and, in particular, any information obtained through the Website or its services, for the purpose of sending advertising material, notifications aimed at obtaining direct sales or with any other commercial aim, or unsolicited bulk messages to a group of people, regardless of their purpose, as well as to refrain from selling or disclosing the aforementioned information in any way.

In any case, RUVIC will not be held liable for any damage caused to the User's computer system due to the User's improper or negligent access to or use of the Website.

4. Intellectual property

All of the contents of the Website, including, but not limited to, texts, photographs, graphic elements, images, icons, technology, software, links, audio-visual content, graphic design and source codes (hereinafter referred to as "the Contents"), are the intellectual and industrial property of RUVIC or, if applicable, third parties. Likewise, the brands, commercial names and other distinctive signs of the Website are the exclusive property of RUVIC or, if applicable, of third parties.

The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public dissemination, enabling of interactive availability, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any kind, by any means or procedure, of any of the Contents of this Website is expressly prohibited, except in cases in which it is legally permitted or expressly authorised in writing by the holder of the corresponding rights. RUVIC reserves the right to initiate civil or criminal proceedings against any natural person or corporate entity and its representatives who breach any of the aforementioned industrial and intellectual property rights.

RUVIC undertakes to fulfil the aforementioned conditions in order to ensure the proper use of the contents of the Website, initiating any civil or criminal proceedings it deems necessary in the event of an infringement or breach of these rights by the User.

5. Responsibility and guarantees

RUVIC does not guarantee the reliability and usefulness of the services provided through the present Website.

Consequently, RUVIC does not guarantee or accept liability for: (i) the continuity of the contents of the present Website; (ii) the absence of errors in the aforementioned contents or the failure to correct any defect that may occur; (iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components in the present Website or in the server that hosts it; (iv) the invulnerability of the present Website and/or of the security measures adopted for the Website; (v) the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the present Website; (vi) any damage or harm caused by the User to himself/herself or to any third party due to his/her infringement of the conditions, regulations and instructions listed by RUVIC on the present Website, or through the breach of RUVIC's security systems.

Notwithstanding the above, RUVIC declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the functioning of the present Website and to prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users. In any case, RUVIC will not be held liable for any damage caused to the User's computer system due to the User's improper or negligent access to or use of the Website.

6. Data protection

Through the present legal notice, and in compliance with Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, concerning the Personal Data Protection (hereinafter LOPD), RUVIC informs users of its personal data protection policy in order for them to decide expressly, freely and voluntarily whether they wish to provide the personal data required from them on the Website for the provision of its services.

Users are also informed that their data will be incorporated in computer files owned by RUVIC and will be processed for the purpose of handling their pre-booking requests, as well as in order to send them information on the activities of RUVIC that may be of interest to them. By sending their data, it is understood that Users expressly authorise RUVIC to process their data for the purposes listed above, including email notifications.

Unless specifically established otherwise, it will be considered necessary to fill in all the data required in the pre-booking form. If all the data considered necessary is not provided, RUVIC may decide, on a case-by-case basis, not to process the specific request made.

Users must fill in forms with true, exact, complete and up-to-date information and will be held liable for any damage caused due to the defective filling in of forms with false, inexact, incomplete or out-of-date information.

RUVIC has adopted the personal data protection security levels required by the legislation in force. As such, it has taken all the technical and organisational measures necessary to prevent the loss, improper use, alteration or unauthorised access of data, along with any other potential risks.

Furthermore, RUVIC undertakes to fulfil its obligation to keep personal data confidential, to duly file it and to adopt all the means necessary to prevent its alteration, loss and unauthorised processing or access, taking into account at all times the state of the technology used.

Users or their representatives may at any time exercise their right to access, correct, delete or, if applicable, object to the use of their data, in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and any other applicable legislation in this respect, by notifying RUVIC in writing at the following address: Carrer de la Soledat, 6 baixos A, 08500 Vic; and/or by email at, including proof of their identity.

If the company provides any special service in which it determines specific provisions different from the ones listed above in respect of personal data protection, the application of the particular rules listed for the service in question will take precedence over the present rules in the event of any inconsistencies.

RUVIC reserves the right to modify the present policy, giving users prior notice of the changes to be made.

7. Legislation and applicable jurisdiction

The relationships established between RUVIC and the user will be governed by the provisions of the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. Spanish Law will be the only applicable legislation. RUVIC and the User expressly waive any other jurisdiction or applicable legislation that may correspond to them, submitting themselves expressly to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Vic.

Copyright © SAGITARI S.A. All rights reserved. 2015.








Data protection

Through the present legal notice, and in compliance with Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, concerning the Personal Data Protection (hereinafter LOPD), RUVIC informs users of its personal data protection policy in order for them to decide expressly, freely and voluntarily whether they wish to provide the personal data required from them on the Website for the provision of its services.

Users are also informed that their data will be incorporated in computer files owned by RUVIC and will be processed for the purpose of handling their pre-booking requests, as well as in order to send them information on the activities of RUVIC that may be of interest to them. By sending their data, it is understood that Users expressly authorise RUVIC to process their data for the purposes listed above, including email notifications.

Unless specifically established otherwise, it will be considered necessary to fill in all the data required in the pre-booking form. If all the data considered necessary is not provided, RUVIC may decide, on a case-by-case basis, not to process the specific request made.

Users must fill in forms with true, exact, complete and up-to-date data and shall be responsible for any damage caused due to the defective filling in of forms with false, inexact, incomplete or out-of-date data.

RUVIC has adopted the personal data protection security levels required by the legislation in force. As such, it has taken all the technical and organisational measures necessary to prevent the loss, improper use, alteration or unauthorised access of data, along with any other potential risks.

Furthermore, RUVIC undertakes to fulfil its obligation to keep personal data confidential, to duly file it and to adopt all the means necessary to prevent its alteration, loss and unauthorised processing or access, taking into account at all times the state of the technology used.

Users or their representatives may at any time exercise their right to access, correct, delete or, if applicable, object to the use of their data, in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and any other applicable legislation in this respect, by notifying RUVIC in writing at the following address: Carrer de la Soledat, 6 baixos A, 08500 Vic; and/or by email at, including proof of their identity.

If the company provides any special service in which it determines specific provisions different from these in respect of personal data protection, the application of the particular rules set forth for this service will take precedence over the present rules, in the event of there being any contradiction.

RUVIC reserves the right to modify the present policy, giving users prior notice of the changes to be made.




Cookies policy


What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you visit certain websites. Among other functions, cookies enable websites to store and retrieve information on the browsing habits of a user or computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which the computer is used, they can be used to recognise the user. Depending on the entity that administers the domain from which the cookies are sent and that processes the data obtained, two types of cookies can be distinguished: own cookies and third-party cookies. There is also a second classification according to the length of time that cookies are stored in the client browser: session cookies or persistent cookies. Last of all, cookies are also classified into five types according to the purpose for which the data obtained is processed: technical cookies, customisation cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies and behavioural advertising cookies. For more information on this matter, please see the Guide on the use of cookies of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


What type of cookies does this website use?

Analysis cookies These are cookies which, when processed by us or by third parties, enable us to calculate the number of users and, accordingly, measure and statistically analyse the use made of the website by users. As such, your browsing activity on our website is analysed with the goal of improving the products or services we offer. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service developed by Google, which enables user interaction with websites to be measured and analysed. You may see four cookies related to this service in your browser: _utma, _utmb, _utmc and _utmc. According to the classification described above, these are own cookies, session cookies and analysis cookies. You can find more information on this matter and find out how to disable the use of these cookies at the following address:

Through web analytics information is obtained on the number of users who access the website, the number of pages viewed, the frequency of visits, the number of repeat visits, visit length, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language, the terminal used, or the city in which the IP address is located. This information enables this website to provide a better and more suitable service.

Customisation cookies: In our case, these cookies enable us to record the preferences selected by the user on previous visits to our website (for example, language). You may find two of RUVIC's own cookies in your browser which serve this purpose: iclcurrent_language and iclvisitor_lang_js.


Acceptance of the cookies policy

RUVIC assumes that you accept the use of cookies. Nevertheless, it displays information on its Cookies policy in the upper section of any page of its website whenever you initiate a session in order to ensure that you are aware of this fact.

When presented with this information, users can choose between the following options:

Accept. To accept the installation and/or reading of Google Analytics cookies.

Modify settings. You will be able to obtain more information on what cookies are, find out about the Cookies policy of RUVIC and modify your browser settings.


How to block or delete cookies.

You may allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your device by changing the settings of the browser installed on your device. Each browser functions differently; the browser “Help” section will show you how to do it.

Furthermore, you may also manage the storage of cookies in your browser through tools such as the following:


Pop-up blocker

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to compile information that helps to optimise your visit. Cookies are not used to gather information of a personal nature. You may block or allow cookies; you can also change their settings whenever you wish. More information is available on our Cookies Policy.

I accept

Cookies policy

I accept the conditions